iLite IL-2 Assay Ready Cells Developed and Manufactured by Svar Life Science
The Eagle Biosciences iLite IL-2 Assay Ready Cells are intended for testing:
Content: >250 μL vial of Assay Ready Cells suspended in cryoprotective medium from Amsbio
Related Names: Interleukin-2 Assay Ready Cells
Receipt and Storage: Upon receipt confirm that adequate dry-ice is present, and the cells are frozen. Immediately transfer to -80°C storage. Cells should be stored at -80°C (do not store at any other temperature) and are stable as supplied until the expiry date shown. Cells should be used within 30 min of thawing and should be diluted immediately after thawing.
For Research Use Only
iLite® IL-2 ARCs are avian DT-40 cells which have been genetically engineered and optimized to be responsive to IL-2, resulting in a proportional expression of Firefly Luciferase. Normalization of cell counts, and serum matrix effects is obtained by a second reporter gene, a Renilla Luciferase reporter gene construct, under control of a constitutive promotor.
Human IL-2 High Sensitivity ELISA Assay Kit
Human IL-2 ELISA Assay Kit
iLite IL-23 Assay Ready Cells
EagleBio在人类中,冠状病毒会引起呼吸道感染。冠状病毒由几种蛋白质组成,包括刺突(S),包膜(E),膜(M)和核衣壳(N)。结果表明,刺突蛋白与血管紧张素转化酶2(ACE2)受体保持足够的亲和力,可将其用作细胞进入的机制。人们主要认为冠状病毒在人与人之间的传播是通过打喷嚏和咳嗽产生的呼吸道飞沫在亲密接触者之间发生的。IgG是响应抗原产生的最丰富的免疫球蛋白,在长期暴露后会保持在体内。Eagle Biosciences仅提供最优质的测定以满足您的需求,并在这些艰难的时期内为您提供最佳的客户服务。