MutaPLATE Lactase PCR Assay manufactured in Germany by Immundiagnostik
Size: 32 tests
Method: PCR
Sample Type: DNA (e.g.whole blood, cheek swab)
Sample Size: 200 µL
For Research Use Only
The Eagle Biosciences MutaPLATE® Lactase real-time PCR Kit contains specific primers and additional material for the detection of the T/C (-13910) polymorphism in the regulatory region of the lactase-phlorizin-hydrolase gene. The variable area of the regulatory region from lactase gene is amplified by PCR using genomic DNA-template. The specific primers used in the kit flank the variable area of the lactase gene (LCT) and generate an amplification of 222 bp.
The standard PCR contains also sequence-specific oligonucleotides marked with fluorescence dye. This specific hybridization probe binds within the amplification product including the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) of target-DNA. Due to this, a fluorescence signal is generated (after excitation with 530 nm or if limited by an instrument with 470 nm) and detected at 610 nm through the optical unit of the real-time PCR instrument.
Genotyping is performed by subsequent melting curve analysis of arisen amplificates leading to unequivocal identification of C/C-genotype associated with lactose intolerance and respectively the clinical unobtrusive CT- and T/T-variants. This is due to the different melting points of the complexes formed by DNA template and “SNP-probes”. The included “SNP-probe” is 100% homologous to the C-allele. Therefore the hybridization probe needs a higher temperature for complex-dissociation from C-allele than from the T-allele (containing a mismatch destabilizing the complex). Consequently, samples with heterozygous genotype generate both peaks at different temperatures during the melting curve analysis.
MutaPLATE HLA-DQ2+8 (TM) PCR Assay Kit
MutaPLATE® Lactase TAQ-man PCR Assay Kit
MutaGEL® Lactase PCR Assay
EagleBio在人类中,冠状病毒会引起呼吸道感染。冠状病毒由几种蛋白质组成,包括刺突(S),包膜(E),膜(M)和核衣壳(N)。结果表明,刺突蛋白与血管紧张素转化酶2(ACE2)受体保持足够的亲和力,可将其用作细胞进入的机制。人们主要认为冠状病毒在人与人之间的传播是通过打喷嚏和咳嗽产生的呼吸道飞沫在亲密接触者之间发生的。IgG是响应抗原产生的最丰富的免疫球蛋白,在长期暴露后会保持在体内。Eagle Biosciences仅提供最优质的测定以满足您的需求,并在这些艰难的时期内为您提供最佳的客户服务。