The 17OH Progesterone ELISA Assay Kit is For Research Use Only
Size: 1×96 wells
Sensitivity: 0.11 ng/mL
Dynamic Range: 0.15–20 ng/mL
Incubation Time: 75 minutes
Sample Type: Serum
Sample Size: 50 μL
Controls Included
The principle of the 17OH Progesterone ELISA Assay Kit enzyme immunoassay test follows the typical competitive binding scenario. Competition occurs between an unlabeled antigen (present in standards, controls and patient samples) and an enzyme-labelled antigen (conjugate) for a limited number of antibody binding sites on the microplate. The washing and decanting procedures remove unbound materials. After the washing step, the enzyme substrate is added. The enzymatic reaction is terminated by addition of the stopping solution. The absorbance is measured on a microtiter plate reader. The intensity of the color formed is inversely proportional to the concentration of 17α-OHP in the sample. A set of standards is used to plot a standard curve from which the amount of 17α-OHP in patient samples and controls can be directly read.
Approximately 0.1 mL of serum is required per duplicate determination. Collect 4–5 mL of blood into an appropriately labelled tube and allow it to clot. Centrifuge and carefully remove the serum layer. Store at 4°C for up to 24 hours or at -10°C or lower if the analyses are to be done at a later date. Consider all human specimens as possible biohazardous materials and take appropriate precautions when handling.
Human serum that may be used in the preparation of the standards and controls has been tested and found to be nonreactive for Hepatitis B surface antigen and has also been tested for the presence of antibodies to HCV and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and found to be negative. No test method however, can offer complete assurance that HIV, HCV and Hepatitis B virus or any infectious agents are absent. The reagents should be considered a potential biohazard and handled with the same precautions as applied to any blood specimen.
17OH Progesterone Saliva ELISA Assay Kit
Progesterone ELISA Assay Kit
Progesterone Saliva ELISA Assay Kit
EagleBio在人类中,冠状病毒会引起呼吸道感染。冠状病毒由几种蛋白质组成,包括刺突(S),包膜(E),膜(M)和核衣壳(N)。结果表明,刺突蛋白与血管紧张素转化酶2(ACE2)受体保持足够的亲和力,可将其用作细胞进入的机制。人们主要认为冠状病毒在人与人之间的传播是通过打喷嚏和咳嗽产生的呼吸道飞沫在亲密接触者之间发生的。IgG是响应抗原产生的最丰富的免疫球蛋白,在长期暴露后会保持在体内。Eagle Biosciences仅提供最优质的测定以满足您的需求,并在这些艰难的时期内为您提供最佳的客户服务。